Pop Media: Digital content at scale

Generative AI
Pop Media
Project type
Generative AI
Project year

Pop Media: Digital content at scale


Pop Media is using generative AI to revolution the production of digital content at scale. Automating the production of text, images, audio, and video was only the beginning.


In collaboration with Cinco, Pop Media embarked on a transformative journey to identify and automated 7 scaling challenges designed to make the company world-class in its field. The solution involved:

  • AI-based generation of new story pitches.
  • Automated production of text, image, audio, and videocontent using only generative AI.
  • Automated distribution of content to more than 80unique channels.
  • Storage and tracking of house-owned and licensed media.
  • Identification of cross-promotional opportunities.
  • Multi-platform content performance monitoring
  • Prescriptive recommendations to optimize new storypitches and distribution


As Pop Media continues to grow, it is poised to become an early leader in automated digital publishing, driven by its ability to publish digital content at scale while solving a multitude of associated scaling challenges.

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